Open letter to the Palestinians all over the world.
In memory of the Palestinians, my brothers and sisters in humanity, who died from Israeli bullets or were buried alive in their destructed houses, or who perished because the medical help was prevented to arrive in time. With love and respect for all the Palestinian who suffer detention and torture, with infinite love to all the wonderful and lovely Palestinian children who died, or were physically hurt or who have become orphans, and whom I have adopted in my heart, all of them with anger disgust and curse towards the Israeli leaders, and with shame for those Israeli who remained silent, with pride for those Israeli who refused to remain silent or who refuse to serve in an occupation army to the Palestinians who have not suffered injuries, to the Palestinian in the refugee camp, to the Palestinian in their Diaspora who have certainly been hurt by the killings and destructions inflicted on their people and their mation. to all of you I dare sending the following words: I want you to know that it is a tinme for hope, and not a tinme for despair. You have to hope not because your cause is just. In this world, it is not enough for a cause to be just in order to succeed. The white men have taken away their land from the native Indians, and have almost exterminbated them. History cannot be turned back and give back the land to the Indians. Other just causes were lost for good. You have to hope because in your hope is the true revenge, in your hope lays the punishment of the Israeli leadership. In your hope lays the salvation of your spirit and the motivation for acting towards the realisation of your just aspirations. You have to hope not because your cause is just, but because there does exist a way that leads from the situaion today to a truely independant Palestine having its capital in East Jerusalem. One way to cope with despair, is to let the anger get out of control. A better way is to channel the anger into motivation for struggle focussed on the fulfillment of your just aspirations. In a next message I will give more details. Just now, it is important that each of you remain hopeful, to be able to infuse hope in those of you who suffer most. You are each needed. You are needed as a hopeful high spirited being, so much superior in values to all those who persecute you. You might think their day of reckoning will come. This is so unimportant. What mattesr is that your day of glory will come. I have no doubt about it, because I see it coming. More later. Your brother,
Clement Leibovitz
