What is wrong with a One Palestinian State
I could also ask what is wrong with motherhood, with loving your
neighbour, with being against war.. Of course, nothing.
And of course, nothing seems wrong with a One Palestinian State, till
the moment in which you ask: what is the first step to take towards the
realisation of that aim? Then the silence is deafening. It is as if one
hopes that, suddenly, the criminal expansioniste Israeli state would
willingly give place to the one-state. Speak of a miracle!!!
It is not enough to have a beautiful aim, and to express the hope it
will be realised. You must also have a practical plan for its
realisation. And it is here that we can listen to the most extraordinary
diversity of solutions. With one solution, it is the US which will
finally decide to bring sense to the Israeli establishment. In another
soplution, the Israeli economy is already collapsing. We must just wait
a little more. In another solution, the Israeli society can no longer
withstand the loses of life. So what? Will it wither away? Shash!!
Give me a break Present me with a workable agenda, divided into steps
which follow each other, and in which each step is supported by credible
evidence as to the possibility of its realisation. But instead, the
defenders of a one Palestinian state come with the remark that the facts
on the ground do no longer support a two-state solution. The one-state
solution is therefore the default solution which remains by elimination
of the two-state. In this they are obviously wrong. The theoretical
possibility of massacres, of continual destruction of Palestinian
houses, leading to a de facto ethnic cleansing, exists. So, the one
Palestinian State solution is not the only solution compatible with the
facts on the grounds.
Also, I can't understand why, in principle, facts on the ground cannot
be reversed? Is not the request of the return of the Palestinian
refugees, a request to reverse some facts on the ground? Why to remain
hoping for this, and renounce hoping for that?
What I reproach the most to the One Palestinian State Solution, is trhat
it is a powerful and dangerous diversion. It is as attractive as opium
can be. But it puts you to sleep, and prevents you from seeing the
effective actions that the Palestinian people, helped in that by those
Israelis with clarity of mind, can take in the direction of the
satisfaction of the Palestinian aspirations.
All becomes clear if we ask the following question? Is there a
possibility for a satisfactory solution, as long as the expansionist
Israeli establishment remains in power? Will, for instance Sharon, or
one of his clones, decide not to use the Israeli military power to
prevent the one state solution? To answer yes is not to have the feet on
the ground. It is to allow the people to live in dangerous illusions.
And if you say no. Then it is obvious you realise that the present
Israeli establishment must be toppled. Then you realise that only the
Israeli people can topple the Israeli establishment. And you, the
one-staters, have no strategy for that, for inducing the Israeli people
to topple its establishment. Not only you do not have a strategy for
that, but you confuse the situation, and prevent Palestinians from
realising that such a strategy does exist.
There are now two main stands, the one of the one-staters, with no feet
on the ground, with no startegy at all exccept that which brought down
the walls of Jericho: making noise. It leads to nothing concrete except
crystallisation of the Palestinian potential to action, towards complete
The other is based on a serious analysis, followed by the steps
compellingly derived from it, which constitute a credible strategy for
the realisation of the Palestinian aspirations, and also the realisation
of the Israeli people's aspiration for the real security which only a
just solution can guarantee.It starts with a rich contact with reality,
and ends up with the effective realisation of beautiful dreams.
So, it is for you to chose. Either have nice dreams with no contact with
reality, or starting with a serious analysis of reality, not to proclaim
a choice, but to derive a realisable strategy. It is time we cease to be
attracted by the beauty of slogans, and we face all the aspects of reality.
Now, if it will be given to me that nothing good can be achieved as long
as the present Israeli expansionist establishment is in power, one is
entitled to consider what it would mean if the present Israeli
establishment is replaced by one that effectively wants friendly
coexistence with a Palestinian state. Would not such a new establishment
be able to reverse many of the facts on the ground? Could it not induce
many of the settlers to go back to Israel proper, could it not make of
the west bank and Ghaza a practical temporary solution? I say tenmporary
because the two states, if both are lead by leaders of good-will, could
then consider the possibility of voluntary fusion in one of many
possible ways.
The fact is, that it is not more utopic to think of the reversal of
facts on the ground, than it is to dream of a one state without a
strategy leading to it.
Who ever is interested in a credible startegy, can write to me and ask
for the "stumbling blocks", or access it at the site:
a site containiing many other articles besides stumbling blocks.